How To Install Plesk On Rocky Linux
As policy changed on Centos several times ago, some people try to find another OS alternative. One of them is Rocky Linux. Rocky Linux built based on Enterprise Linux Architecture (Redhat based). The founder said that Rocky linux build 1:1 with Redhat. In another words, Rocky Linux is identically same with Redhat Enterprise Linux.
Since Rocky can replace Centos, Rocky also able to build for hosting environment such as Plesk. Please to take a note that Plesk require some minimum requirement:
– 1 Core CPU
– 2 GB RAM
– 15 GB Disk
Below the step How to Install Plesk on Rocky Linux 8.
1. Make sure your Rocky Linux has been updated to latest version.
# yum update –nogpgcheck
2. Reboot your server and use the latest kernel instead
# reboot

3. After that, please log in to your server using SSH and download the Plesk Installer
# yum install wget –nogpgcheck
# wget
# chmod +x plesk-installer
4. Run the installer.
# ./plesk-installer
5. Then you will see this screen, there are 3 types of installation:
– Recommended : Plesk will make selection which packages/services that need to be installed.
– Full : Plesk will install all packages that available. This option not recommended because sometimes we
then type F to continue

6. This section you can just type F to Go Forward

7. After that Plesk will download and install some needed package (as we choose “Recommended” on previous section). This steps need some times until it finish and next section will appear.

After this step, Plesk has been successfully installed and we can access it using IP. –> Change with your server’s IP
User: root
Password: <your root password>